Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rabbit: Adorable, yes. Huggable, no.

Name: Rabbit
Diet: Carrots
Weakness: Sugared cereals
Famous celebrity: Trix Rabbit
Famous quote: "What's up doc?"
Favorite activities: Sunbathing
Advice: If you're looking to get some exercise, chasing one of these creatures should suffice.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

My first bobcat sighting

It was a Friday night and I was heading back to my dorm. As I ventured onto the AV lawn, I noticed a strange creature several meters away.

Must be a rabbit.
As my eyes focused intently on the creature though, I noticed that this particular rabbit had a more slender body. Like a cat. Its ears were also more pointed. Like a cat.

Shit. That's a motherfucking bobcat!
My mind raced as I tried to recall when I had ever last laid eyes on a bobcat during my three years thus far at Irvine. Nope, nada.

Uncertain with my discovery, I did what any curious passerby would do. I took out my iPod Touch, and began recording.

Yes, that's me in the background with the distraught "Duuuuude." Yes, the video is grainy and you can barely make out the bobcat. It was dark. Give me a break.

After recording that video, I bravely foolishly followed the bobcat. It was standing now underneath some low-hanging trees. With expert precision, the feline lifted its hind leg up and proceeded to urinate on the innocent tree trunk.

Apparently, our neighborhood bobcat is a Youtube commenter.

[EMAIL] Bobcat and Coyote Sightings in AV

Received this email earlier this week:

Dear residents, 
Recently there have been sightings of a bobcat and a coyote roaming throughout the community.  For your safety and protection make sure to not prop any doors in your house. 
Coyotes or bobcats are animals that generally avoid human contact, but if you do see one in the community, maintain your distance.  Don’t attempt to feed, catch or pet a wild animal.  Never approach coyote/bobcat babies or mothers with their babies; the mother’s protective response can be very aggressive.  Report injured or aggressive animals to the Arroyo Vista Housing Office; don’t attempt to give aid to injured wildlife.  If an injured animal approaches you, move slowly away. 
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the Arroyo Vista Housing Office at 949-824-3900 or the Arroyo Vista Duty Line 949-351-4228. 

The Arroyo Vista Housing Office

 First thought: there's a coyote roaming outside as well???

It's a wild kingdom out there

I've seen my fair share of wildlife here at UC Irvine. From rabbits, raccoons, and yes, even a bobcat.

So, I created a blog dedicated to spotlighting these wild creatures that roam our great outdoors.

Stay tuned.