Must be a rabbit.As my eyes focused intently on the creature though, I noticed that this particular rabbit had a more slender body. Like a cat. Its ears were also more pointed. Like a cat.
Shit. That's a motherfucking bobcat!My mind raced as I tried to recall when I had ever last laid eyes on a bobcat during my three years thus far at Irvine. Nope, nada.
Uncertain with my discovery, I did what any curious passerby would do. I took out my iPod Touch, and began recording.
Yes, that's me in the background with the distraught "Duuuuude." Yes, the video is grainy and you can barely make out the bobcat. It was dark. Give me a break.
After recording that video, I
First!Apparently, our neighborhood bobcat is a Youtube commenter.
Better check that your health insurance covers accidental bobcat encounters.